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Welcome to the wannabe nation

This post is about a nation obsessed with being someone else completely hating its own identity and in trying to become someone else is ending up confused. Namaste, welcome to the most wannabe nation in the world. welcome to India.

You know someone is a wannabe when

1. When you work in a call center asking Americans to pay their bills but look down upon to the domestic call center guy who tells Indians to pay the bills

2. You completely despise bidhi(Desi ciggrate) but sell your dogs food to go to a hookah bar

3. You wear short tees really short and keep pulling them down

4. You wear low waist jeans really low(or loose fit)jeans and keep pulling them up

5. Your mom goes for kittyy parties not knowing who was a kitty why did she start such sad party

6. The bouncers at the disco see you more often than the guy who made the mistake of giving you birth(bless that poor soul)

7. You adore shakira, deepika padukone, bipasha and all the dusky women but would look for a "fair girl" when wanting to get married

8. You code cause it pays well, you copy every line of code from Google and write your name in the comment section

9. You wait for your chance to get a on site project and then come home tell people it was fun and you dated American chicks smartly hiding the 16 hr work shifts and countless abuses from Americans not to forget none of the American chicks looked at you while you were there.

10. You look for a wife/husband on those online matrimony sites but match religion, caste, kundli and want traditional wife/husband

11. You sell your chaddis to get on page 3 not realizing noone reads page but yourself and other wannabes.

12. Your name just got mutilated and you feel happy about it Vishal became vishy, pooja become poo(isn't that a dogs name? a diseased dumb dog?) 

13. You call everyone a dude, everyone, your mom, your dog, cause everyone else calls your dude instead of dodo which they should call you

14. You completely agree that god doesn't exist but are seen at siddhivinayaka temple after exams doing some scintific research with folded hands

I'm not done yet, more coming...


Bijay Rungta (rungss) said...

3. You wear short tees really short and keep pulling them down

quite right...

8. You code cause it pays well, you copy every line of code from Google and write your name in the comment section

This isn't relevant here in my opinion. It's plain copying... not related to Indians with the Bukhar of "American Desi"

10. You look for a wife/husband on those online matrimony sites but match religion, caste, kundli and want traditional wife/husband

Again this is not necessarily American Desi thing..
If they claim to be Secular and still have Religion etc as category.. the perhaps its hypocrisy but still that doesn't fall in the American Desi Category...

Using Technology for your needs doesn't mean You are Secular or things like that...
Also Technology doesn't belong to America or any western Country or group of nations or any single Country or group of nations..

In some of the Points(the two I mentioned here), It seems you are confusing the Technology with Western influence...

Technology isn't necessarily a Western influence..
I will not agree this even if all the Softwares/Hardwares/Technologies were developed by them It still stays universal.

I am not sure if I was able to Comprehend myself well enough but I think you get my point...

A said...

hey Bijay completely agre to what you say..this was just a casual take on things;-)

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