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Lehman Down, Whose next? AIG? Citi? JP Morgan?

Lehman brothers is the latest casuality of US recession. Lehman brother filed for bankruptcy.
The details of the chapter 11 filing  state no other subsidary of affliate of lehman brothers holdings was included in the filing.

Troubles arent over yet as media speculates over whose next to fall down. 

If AIG falls down it will be  a huge blow for the insurance sector in India as Tata-Aig is supposed to become one of the top insurers in India over the coming years. But if somehow AIG manages to stay afloat for some more years the returns from India alone could see it through.

lets see if AIG can manage to survive this storm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good riddance, i am glad americaan economy is falling apart. Atleast there arm twisting would end now.

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